public agencies
Public Agency Clients included the City of Los Angeles Community Redevelopment Agency (“LACRA”)(redevelopment project area creation, housing, real estate); City of Los Angeles Housing Department; City and County of Los Angeles (housing, construction, public finance); City of Fresno (real estate and rail negotiations); Los Angeles County Metropolitan Transportation Authority; Southeastern Economic Development Corp. (General, Redevelopment and Bond Counsel); San Diego Housing Commission (Special and Bond Counsel); City of El Cajon (Housing); Centre City Development Corporation (Bond Counsel); Resolution Trust Corporation/Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation (Outside Counsel for Litigation and Real Estate Matters) Los Angeles to Pasadena Metro Gold Line Foothill Construction Authority (Design/Build and Joint Development); City of Inglewood (special Counsel).
Mr. Pearman was Vice Chair of the Executive Committee of the California State Bar Public Law Section.
Case Studies
Metro Gold Line - Joint Development
Retained by the governmental Authority created to design and build the Los Angeles to Pasadena light rail project, to assist in its joint development activities. For the construction of its initial 13-mile first phase, traversing 3 cities, at a cost of over $600 million, the Authority planned to augment its resources by obtaining maximum value for certain properties, including a number around station sites that had only been programmed for surface parking or for no specific use whatsoever.
In one such example we created a financing and deal structure for the sale of a site to a private developer, who in turn would build a multi-use parking garage to include parking spaces for transit riders via a permanently reserved easement. The developer/owner constructed, maintains and operates the parking structure, and the private developer also built its own medical/office/retail building on the parcel. Documents prepared included purchase and sale agreement, interim parking licenses, remediation agreements, recorded environmental restrictions, grant deed and easement agreement, parking development agreement, security documents such as a guarantee and subordinated deed of trust, and escrow instructions.
In the end the Authority received millions of dollars to augment its construction budget with no delay in the Gold Line's revenue operating date of the initial phase of its construction. The Gold Line has since completed and opened operations on the initial phase of its light rail and has "moved on down the line" and is currently constructing phase two of its mandate.