Provided real estate and contractual representation to a nonprofit manager of habitat and wildlife lands, including the acquisition of Conservation Easements for the long-term maintenance of the affected wildlife and habitat areas.
As counsel to the Third Party Permit desk for the public agency builders of the Los Angeles Metro Rail, specialization included examining local and state law and regulation, agreements for utility rearrangements, negotiation of interagency agreements, Public Utilities Commission general orders. In fact, drafted and negotiation over 100 interagency agreements for Metro and others with utility agreements, sanitation districts, cities, the county of and CalTrans as needed for the construction of their public works projects.s
Case Studies
Mr. Pearman provided real estate opinions in connection with
San Diego Gas & Electric's $100/$300 Million series of mortgage bonds under a longstanding mortgage trust indenture. The assignments required extensive due diligence in connection with the SEC-registered offerings, including review of utility franchises, detailed review of title records, examination of trust indentures, acquisition documents, personal property liens and securities documents. The properties involved include a wide range of power generation and commercial operations, from nuclear plants to transmission line rights-of-way to office buildings.